Terms and conditions for AGL Reports

Terms and conditions for AGL Reports

Last updated: October 24, 2023

Advanced Gemological Laboratory (AGL) bases its expert reports through the expertise of its two experts who have received training at the highest standards, including completing courses offered by the Gemological Institute of America (GIA), thereby acquiring certification and international recognition from the Gemological Institute of America (GIA). Additionally, AGL employs state-of-the-art instruments in its assessments. The final conclusion of the AGL expertise is the result of the separate analysis by both experts.

The gemological report issued by AGL is not an appraisal, guarantee, or certification of the value, class, color, and/or other features mentioned in the AGL report. It represents only the informed opinion of our experts, formed as a result of the evaluation, testing, examination, and analysis of an item (gemstone or jewelry) using advanced techniques and cutting-edge tools available at the time of examination. The grading and identification of gemstones are performed following GIA procedures and standards. Therefore, the results of any other examination conducted on the item (gemstone or jewelry) may differ from the AGL expert opinion depending on:

  • When, how, and by whom the item (gemstone or jewelry) is examined and
  • Changes and technical improvements in equipment that may have occurred since, enabling the examiner to detect, among other things, the use of processes for altering the characteristics of an item that were previously undetectable by AGL or modifications that have become reversible, even if the process remains undetectable.

Under these conditions of relativity, the conclusion of the expert report is limited to an informed opinion, so neither AGL nor AGL’s experts can be held responsible for any differences of opinion or discrepancies that may arise inherently from applying different examination equipment and techniques to the same item at different laboratories (technologies and equipment used in treatments, processing, and synthesis are continually evolving and may vary). Therefore, AGL and its experts will be exempt from any responsibility regarding the commercial, financial, legal, and moral implications arising from the expert reports issued, and the liability shall not exceed the value of the appraisal service as materialized in this report.

AGL and its experts or employees will not comment on any opinion other than one using GIA standards.

The assessment by AGL of the item (gemstone or jewelry) is objective and impartial. AGL has no financial interest in the sale or purchase of the item described in the report. Therefore, AGL’s liability cannot exceed the value of the issued report.

AGL and its experts or employees will not be responsible for: (1) any difference of opinion or discrepancy that may result from the application of other methods, tools, or techniques for classification, evaluation, and/or identification, (2) any losses, damages, or expenses arising from any errors or omissions in the report or from the issuance or use of the report, even if the losses, damages, or expenses are caused by AGL or its experts or employees, and (3) in any case, AGL and its experts or employees will not be liable for special, indirect, incidental, exemplary, punitive, legal, or consequential damages, including loss of profits, arising from any errors or omissions in the report or from the issuance or use of the report or from any errors or omissions in the report caused by the acts of others, even if they are warned of the possibility of such damages.

Anyone claiming to rely on an AGL report is subject to these AGL terms and conditions.


An AGL facsimile report is not and should not be considered the actual AGL Gemological Report. A PDF version, shared or printed, does not guarantee the inclusion of the most recent evaluation information for a specific gemstone or jewelry item.